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  1. The anti-tumor efficacy of human immune effector cells, such as cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTLs), has been difficult to study in lung cancer patients in the clinical setting. Improved experimental models for the...

    Authors: Ezogelin Oflazoglu, Mark Elliott, Hiroshi Takita, Soldano Ferrone, Robert A Henderson and Elizabeth A Repasky
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:29
  2. Plant lectins such as Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA) and Hippeastrum hybrid agglutinin (HHA) are natural proteins able to link mannose residues, and therefore inhibit HIV-target cell interactions. Plant lecti...

    Authors: Hela Saïdi, Nadine Nasreddine, Mohammad-Ali Jenabian, Maxime Lecerf, Dominique Schols, Corinne Krief, Jan Balzarini and Laurent Bélec
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:28
  3. Alefacept (anti-CD2) biological therapy selectively targets effector memory T cells (Tem) in psoriasis vulgaris, a model Type 1 autoimmune disease.

    Authors: Francesca Chamian, Shao-Lee Lin, Edmund Lee, Toyoko Kikuchi, Patricia Gilleaudeau, Mary Sullivan-Whalen, Irma Cardinale, Artemis Khatcherian, Inna Novitskaya, Knut M Wittkowski, James G Krueger and Michelle A Lowes
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:27
  4. The incidence of cancer increases significantly in later life, yet few pre-clinical studies of cancer immunotherapy use mice of advanced age. A novel vaccine delivery platform (VacciMax®,VM) is described that enc...

    Authors: Pirouz M Daftarian, Marc Mansour, Bill Pohajdak, Antar Fuentes-Ortega, Ella Korets-Smith, Lisa MacDonald, Genevieve Weir, Robert G Brown and W Martin Kast
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:26
  5. Although the risk of transfusion-transmitted infections today is lower than ever, the supply of safe blood products remains subject to contamination with known and yet to be identified human pathogens. Only co...

    Authors: Florian Bihl, Damiano Castelli, Francesco Marincola, Roger Y Dodd and Christian Brander
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:25
  6. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is characterized by accumulation of mature appearing lymphocytes and is rarely complicated by thrombosis. One possible explanation for the paucity of thrombotic events in the...

    Authors: Dianne Pulte, Kim E Olson, M Johan Broekman, Naziba Islam, Harold S Ballard, Richard R Furman, Ashley E Olson and Aaron J Marcus
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:23
  7. The high prevalence of nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) in Southern Asia and Mediterranean Northern Africa suggests genetic predisposition among other factors. While Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) haplotypes have be...

    Authors: Xin Li, Nahla Ghandri, Daniela Piancatelli, Sharon Adams, Deborah Chen, Fu-Meei Robbins, Ena Wang, Alessandro Monaco, Silvia Selleri, Noureddine Bouaouina, David Stroncek, Domenico Adorno, Lotfi Chouchane and Francesco M Marincola
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:22
  8. Melanoma tumors are known to express antigens that usually induce weak immune responses of short duration. Expression of both tumor-associated antigens p53 and TRP2 by melanoma cells raises the possibility of ...

    Authors: Marc Mansour, Bill Pohajdak, W Martin Kast, Antar Fuentes-Ortega, Ella Korets-Smith, Genevieve M Weir, Robert G Brown and Pirouz Daftarian
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:20
  9. In the present study, we demonstrate, in rigorous fashion, that human monocyte-derived immature dendritic cells (DCs) can efficiently cross-present tumor-associated antigens when co-cultured with a mixture of ...

    Authors: Erika M von Euw, María M Barrio, David Furman, Michele Bianchini, Estrella M Levy, Cassian Yee, Yongqing Li, Rosa Wainstok and José Mordoh
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:19
  10. For optimal T cell activation it is desirable that dendritic cells (DCs) display peptides within MHC molecules as signal 1, costimulatory molecules as signal 2 and, in addition, produce IL-12p70 as signal 3. I...

    Authors: Anke Zobywalski, Miran Javorovic, Bernhard Frankenberger, Heike Pohla, Elisabeth Kremmer, Iris Bigalke and Dolores J Schendel
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:18
  11. Adoptive immune and vaccine therapies have been used to prevent cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease in recipients of hematopoietic progenitor cell transplants, but the nature of T cell responses to CMV have not been...

    Authors: Stefanie L Slezak, Maria Bettinotti, Silvia Selleri, Sharon Adams, Francesco M Marincola and David F Stroncek
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:17
  12. Dendritic cells (DC) pulsed with tumor-derived antigenic material have widely been used in antitumor vaccination protocols. However, the optimal strategy of DC loading has not yet been established. Our aim was...

    Authors: Christian Adam, Josef Mysliwietz and Ralph Mocikat
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:16
  13. Treatment records and follow-up data on 40 patients with primary and metastatic liver malignancies who underwent a single whole-liver treatment with Y-90 resin microspheres (SIR-Spheres® Sirtex Medical, Lake Fore...

    Authors: Seza A Gulec, Geraldine Mesoloras, William A Dezarn, Patrick McNeillie and Andrew S Kennedy
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:15
  14. Previously, we reported that adoptively transferred perforin k/o (PKO), and IFN-γ k/o (GKO), or perforin/IFN-γ double k/o (PKO/GKO) effector T cells mediated regression of B16BL6-D5 (D5) pulmonary metastases a...

    Authors: Hauke Winter, Natasja K van den Engel, Christian H Poehlein, Rudolf A Hatz, Bernard A Fox and Hong-Ming Hu
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:14
  15. With the present study we introduce a novel and simple biomaterial able to induce regeneration of bone. We theorized that nourishing a bone defect with calcium and with a large amount of activated platelets ma...

    Authors: Giuseppe Intini, Sebastiano Andreana, Francesco E Intini, Robert J Buhite and Libuse A Bobek
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:13
  16. Telomerase, a reverse transcriptase primarily devoted to the elongation of telomeres in mammalian cells, is also the first bona fide common tumor antigen. In fact, telomerase is over-expressed in > 85% of tumo...

    Authors: Xochtil Cortez-Gonzalez and Maurizio Zanetti
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:12
  17. Although the sequence of events leading to wound repair has been described at the cellular and, to a limited extent, at the protein level this process has yet to be fully elucidated. Genome wide transcriptiona...

    Authors: Kavita Deonarine, Monica C Panelli, Mitchell E Stashower, Ping Jin, Kina Smith, Herbert B Slade, Christopher Norwood, Ena Wang, Francesco M Marincola and David F Stroncek
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:11
  18. Toll-like receptor (TLR)3 ligands serve as natural inducers of pro-inflammatory cytokines capable of promoting Type-1 adaptive immunity, and TLR3 is abundantly expressed by cells within the central nervous sys...

    Authors: Xinmei Zhu, Fumihiko Nishimura, Kotaro Sasaki, Mitsugu Fujita, Jill E Dusak, Junichi Eguchi, Wendy Fellows-Mayle, Walter J Storkus, Paul R Walker, Andres M Salazar and Hideho Okada
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:10
  19. As part of the Houston Vanguard study, a subset of 10 patients randomized to receive IL-2 therapy were compared to 4 patients randomized to not receive IL-2, for markers of T cell activation and death during t...

    Authors: Dorothy E Lewis, Kimber L Gross, Martine M Diez, Maria L Martinez, Helen N Lukefahr, Claudia A Kozinetz and Roberto C Arduino
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:9
  20. Cord blood is currently used as an alternative to bone marrow as a source of stem cells for hematopoietic reconstitution after ablation. It is also under intense preclinical investigation for a variety of indi...

    Authors: Neil H Riordan, Kyle Chan, Annette M Marleau and Thomas E Ichim
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:8
  21. The objective of this study was to identify the molecular processes responsible for the anti-lesional activity of imiquimod in subjects with actinic keratosis using global gene expression profiling.

    Authors: Abel Torres, Leslie Storey, Makala Anders, Richard L Miller, Barbara J Bulbulian, Jizhong Jin, Shalini Raghavan, James Lee, Herbert B Slade and Woubalem Birmachu
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:7
  22. XIAP up-regulation is associated with chemotherapy resistance. Phenoxodiol causes XIAP degradation and chemotherapy sensitization in ovarian cancer. Here we assessed XIAP expression in melanomas, using tissue ...

    Authors: Harriet M Kluger, Mary M McCarthy, Ayesha B Alvero, Mario Sznol, Stephan Ariyan, Robert L Camp, David L Rimm and Gil Mor
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:6
  23. Previously, we have successfully targeted the mannose receptor (MR) expressed on monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DCs) using a fully human MR-specific antibody, B11, as a vehicle to deliver whole protein tumo...

    Authors: Venky Ramakrishna, John P Vasilakos, Joseph D Tario Jr, Marc A Berger, Paul K Wallace and Tibor Keler
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:5
  24. The potent clinical responses seen in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) after administration of donor-specific lymphocytes, as well as the correlation between the presence of antigen specific T cell...

    Authors: Annette M Marleau, Jeffrey H Lipton, Neil H Riordan and Thomas E Ichim
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:4
  25. Despite advances in our cellular and molecular knowledge, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remains one of the major public health problems throughout the world. It is now known to be highly heterogeneous: it enc...

    Authors: Fabio Grizzi, Barbara Franceschini, Cody Hamrick, Eldo E Frezza, Everardo Cobos and Maurizio Chiriva-Internati
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:3
  26. Overexpression of Neutral Endopeptidase (NEP) has been reported in metastatic carcinomas, implicating NEP in tumor progression and suggesting a role for NEP inhibitors in its treatment. We investigated the rol...

    Authors: Elsa F Velazquez, Molly Yancovitz, Anna Pavlick, Russell Berman, Richard Shapiro, Dusan Bogunovic, David O'Neill, Yi-Lo Yu, Joanna Spira, Paul J Christos, Xi Kathy Zhou, Madhu Mazumdar, David M Nanus, Leonard Liebes, Nina Bhardwaj, David Polsky…
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:2
  27. While insulin replacement remains the cornerstone treatment for type I diabetes mellitus (T1DM), the transplantation of pancreatic islets of Langerhans has the potential to become an important alternative. And...

    Authors: Jiaqiang Ren, Ping Jin, Ena Wang, Eric Liu, David M Harlan, Xin Li and David F Stroncek
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2007 5:1
  28. DNA hypermethylation and histone deacetylation are epigenetic events that contribute to the absence or downregulated expression of different components of the tumor recognition complex. These events affect the...

    Authors: María de Lourdes Mora-García, Alfonso Duenas-González, Jorge Hernández-Montes, Erick De la Cruz-Hernández, Enrique Pérez-Cárdenas, Benny Weiss-Steider, Edelmiro Santiago-Osorio, Vianney Francisco Ortíz-Navarrete, Víctor Hugo Rosales, David Cantú, Marcela Lizano-Soberón, Martha Patricia Rojo-Aguilar and Alberto Monroy-García
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2006 4:55
  29. This study explores the psychological, socio-cultural and economic consequences of infertility on couples' life. The purpose of this research is to improve knowledge about the potentially serious implications ...

    Authors: Nicole J Wiersema, Anouck J Drukker, Mai Ba Tien Dung, Giang Huynh Nhu, Nguyen Thanh Nhu and Cornelis B Lambalk
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2006 4:54
  30. Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) is a group of heterogeneous muscular disorders with autosomal dominant and recessive inheritance, in which the pelvic or shoulder girdle musculature is predominantly or pr...

    Authors: Yong Zhang, Jianwei Ye, Dazhi Chen, Xinyi Zhao, Xingjun Xiao, Sheng Tai, Wei Yang and Dahai Zhu
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2006 4:53
  31. The immune system spontaneously responds to tumor-associated antigens in peripheral blood of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. Regulatory T cells (Treg) are suspected of influencing the interaction between the...

    Authors: Christoph Loddenkemper, Martin Schernus, Michel Noutsias, Harald Stein, Eckhard Thiel and Dirk Nagorsen
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2006 4:52
  32. Current clinical and histopathological criteria used to define the prognosis of melanoma patients are inadequate for accurate prediction of clinical outcome. We investigated whether genome screening by means o...

    Authors: Susanna Mandruzzato, Andrea Callegaro, Gianluca Turcatel, Samuela Francescato, Maria C Montesco, Vanna Chiarion-Sileni, Simone Mocellin, Carlo R Rossi, Silvio Bicciato, Ena Wang, Francesco M Marincola and Paola Zanovello
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2006 4:50
  33. Besides being the effectors of native anti-tumor cytotoxicity, NK cells participate in T-lymphocyte responses by promoting the maturation of dendritic cells (DC). Adherent NK (A-NK) cells constitute a subset o...

    Authors: Lina Matera, Alessandra Galetto, Marilena Bello, Cinzia Baiocco, Isabella Chiappino, Giancarlo Castellano, Alessandra Stacchini, Maria A Satolli, Michele Mele, Sergio Sandrucci, Antonio Mussa, Gianni Bisi and Theresa L Whiteside
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2006 4:49
  34. The tumor microenvironment consists of tumor, immune, stromal, and inflammatory cells which produce cytokines, growth factors, and adhesion molecules that promote tumor progression and metastasis. Of particula...

    Authors: Anne M Lewis, Sheelu Varghese, Hui Xu and H Richard Alexander
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2006 4:48
  35. Human polyomavirus BK (BKV) has been implicated in oncogenic transformation. Its ability to replicate is determined by the binding of its large tumor antigen (LTag) to products of tumor-suppressor genes regula...

    Authors: Maurizio Provenzano, Laura Bracci, Stephen Wyler, Tvrtko Hudolin, Giovanni Sais, Rainer Gosert, Paul Zajac, Giorgio Palu', Michael Heberer, Hans H Hirsch and Giulio C Spagnoli
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2006 4:47
  36. Candida albicans is a dimorphic fungus that can grow in yeast morphology or hyphal form depending on the surrounding environment. This ubiquitous fungus is present in skin and mucus membranes as a potential patho...

    Authors: Viachaslau M Barodka, Edward Acheampong, Garry Powell, Ludmila Lobach, David A Logan, Zahida Parveen, Valerie Armstead and Muhammad Mukhtar
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2006 4:46
  37. Very little is known of the regulation of the function of human osteoclasts, largely due to the virtual impossibility of obtaining human osteoclasts ex vivo. It has recently become possible to generate human oste...

    Authors: Barrie Kirstein, Urszula Grabowska, Bertil Samuelsson, Masahiro Shiroo, Timothy J Chambers and Karen Fuller
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2006 4:45
  38. Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) are a family of inhibitory and activatory receptors that are expressed by most natural killer (NK) cells. The KIR gene family is polymorphic: genomic diversity ...

    Authors: A Bontadini, M Testi, MC Cuccia, M Martinetti, C Carcassi, A Chiesa, E Cosentini, E Dametto, S Frison, AM Iannone, C Lombardo, A Malagoli, M Mariani, L Mariotti, L Mascaretti, L Mele…
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2006 4:44
  39. Although described by Hippocrates in 400 B.C., pemphigus disease still needs a safe therapeutical approach, given that the currently used therapies (i.e. corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs) often prov...

    Authors: Giovanni Angelini, Domenico Bonamonte, Alberta Lucchese, Gianfranco Favia, Rosario Serpico, Abraham Mittelman, Simone Simone, Animesh A Sinha and Darja Kanduc
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2006 4:43
  40. Incomplete Freund's adjuvant (IFA) serves as a carrier for water-in-oil emulsion (W/O) vaccines. The stability of such emulsions greatly affects vaccine safety and efficacy since continued presence of antigen ...

    Authors: Yi T Koh, Sean A Higgins, Jeffrey S Weber and W Martin Kast
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2006 4:42
  41. The culture and expansion of human cells for clinical use requires the presence of human serum or plasma in culture media. Although these supplements have been extensively characterized in their chemical compo...

    Authors: Saleh Ayache, Monica C Panelli, Karen M Byrne, Stefanie Slezak, Susan F Leitman, Francesco M Marincola and David F Stroncek
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2006 4:40
  42. Aberrant signaling by ErbB-2 (HER 2, Neu), a member of the human Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) receptor family, is associated with an aggressive clinical behaviour of carcinomas, particularly breast tumors. An...

    Authors: Patrizia Galeffi, Alessio Lombardi, Immacolata Pietraforte, Flavia Novelli, Monica Di Donato, Maria Sperandei, Andrea Tornambé, Rocco Fraioli, Aline Martayan, Pier Giorgio Natali, Maria Benevolo, Marcella Mottolese, Francisco Ylera, Cristina Cantale and Patrizio Giacomini
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2006 4:39
  43. Recently, it was described that an HLA-A24 restricted peptide derived from the survivin splice variant survivin-2B can be recognized by CD8(+) cytotoxic T-cells. The identification of an HLA-A24 epitope is cri...

    Authors: Mads Hald Andersen, Rikke B Soerensen, Jürgen C Becker and Per thor Straten
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2006 4:38
  44. A number of autoimmune diseases have been clinically and pathologically characterized. In contrast, target antigens have been identified only in a few cases and, in these few cases, the knowledge of the exact ...

    Authors: Alberta Lucchese, Abraham Mittelman, Luciana Tessitore, Rosario Serpico, Animesh A Sinha and Darja Kanduc
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2006 4:37
  45. We present our experience of therapeutic vaccination using dendritic cells (DC) pulsed with autologous tumor antigens in patients with advanced melanoma.

    Authors: Ruggero Ridolfi, Massimiliano Petrini, Laura Fiammenghi, Monica Stefanelli, Laura Ridolfi, Michela Ballardini, Giuseppe Migliori and Angela Riccobon
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2006 4:36

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