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  1. The administration of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) to peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) donors causes spleen length to increase, but the duration of enlargement is not known. Eighteen he...

    Authors: David F Stroncek, Kristin Dittmar, Thomas Shawker, Angela Heatherman and Susan F Leitman
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2004 2:25
  2. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is characterized by a high prevalence in Southern China, especially among Cantonese individuals of the Guangdong Province. Epidemiological studies have suggested that frequent ex...

    Authors: Ju-Hong Jiang, Wei-Hua Jia, Han-Kui Chen, Bing-Jian Feng, Hai-De Qin, Zhi-Gang Pan, Guo-Ping Shen, Li-Xi Huang, Qi-Sheng Feng, Li-Zhen Chen, Dong-Xin Lin and Yi-Xin Zeng
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2004 2:24
  3. With the role of angiogenesis in tumor growth and progression firmly established, considerable effort has been directed to antiangiogenic therapy as a new modality to treat human cancers. Antiangiogenic agents...

    Authors: Anita Tandle, Dan G Blazer III and Steven K Libutti
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2004 2:22
  4. Survivin is a member of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) family containing a single baculovirus IAP repeat domain. It is expressed during fetal development but becomes undetectable in terminally differ...

    Authors: Tetsuhiro Tsuruma, Fumitake Hata, Toshihiko Torigoe, Tomohisa Furuhata, Satomi Idenoue, Takehiro Kurotaki, Masaaki Yamamoto, Atsuhito Yagihashi, Tosei Ohmura, Koji Yamaguchi, Tadashi Katsuramaki, Takahiro Yasoshima, Kazuaki Sasaki, Yasuhiro Mizushima, Hidetoshi Minamida, Hiromichi Kimura…
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2004 2:19
  5. Extensive clinical experience has shown that systemic interleukin (IL)-2 administration can induce complete or partial regression of renal cell cancer (RCC) metastases in 15 to 20 % of patients. Since IL-2 has...

    Authors: Monica C Panelli, Richard White, Mareva Foster, Brian Martin, Ena Wang, Kina Smith and Francesco M Marincola
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2004 2:17
  6. The endotelin (ET) axis, that includes ET-1, ET-2, ET-3, and the ET receptors, ETA and ETB, plays an important physiological role, as modulator of vasomotor tone, tissue differentiation and development, cell prol...

    Authors: Anna Bagnato and Pier Giorgio Natali
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2004 2:16
  7. CD8+ T cell responses are known to be important to the control of HIV-1 infection. While responses to reverse transcriptase and most structural and accessory proteins have been extensively studied, CD8 T cell ...

    Authors: William R Rodriguez, Marylyn M Addo, Almas Rathod, Cecily A Fitzpatrick, Xu G Yu, Beth Perkins, Eric S Rosenberg, Marcus Altfeld and Bruce D Walker
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2004 2:15
  8. When we launched the Journal of Translational Medicine a few months ago, we were interested primarily in exploring scientific consideration of this discipline. However, as editors of JTM, we have been contacted a...

    Authors: Stacey P Mankoff, Christian Brander, Soldano Ferrone and Francesco M Marincola
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2004 2:14
  9. We assessed the incidence of micro-metastases at surgical margins (SM) and pelvic lymph nodes (LN) in patients submitted to radical retropubic prostatectomy (RP) after neoadjuvant therapy (NT) or to RP alone. ...

    Authors: Marco Grasso, Caterina Lania, Salvatore Blanco, Marco Baruffi and Simone Mocellin
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2004 2:13
  10. Cells of the immune system spontaneously recognize autologous tumor cells and T cells are believed to be the main effector cells for the immune surveillance of cancer. Recent advances in our understanding of b...

    Authors: Per thor Straten, David Schrama, Mads Hald Andersen and Jürgen C Becker
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2004 2:11
  11. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is one of the most commons cancers in Southeast Asia and Southern China. Several NPC-associated genes have been so far described and here we describe the identification and the c...

    Authors: Feng Li, Xu Y Yang, Wei H Jiang, Zhi H Yin, Xiang L Feng, Wei D Liu, Lei Wang, Wen Zhou, Cai P Ren and Kai T Yao
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2004 2:10
  12. The desired outcome of cancer vaccination is to induce a potent T cell response which can specifically recognize and eliminate autologous tumor cells in vivo. Accordingly, immunological assays that demonstrate re...

    Authors: Anatoli Malyguine, Susan L Strobl, Kimberly A Shafer-Weaver, Tracy Ulderich, Angela Troke, Michael Baseler, Larry W Kwak and Sattva S Neelapu
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2004 2:9
  13. Genes in the Leukocyte Antigen 6 (Ly-6) superfamily encode glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchored glycoproteins (gp) with conserved domains of 70 to 100 amino acids and 8 to 10 cysteine residues. Murine Ly-...

    Authors: David F Stroncek, Lorraine Caruccio and Maria Bettinotti
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2004 2:8
  14. Congenital thrombotic risk factors, oncological diseases and its therapies have been related to an increased occurrence of upper extremities deep venous thrombosis (UEDVT).

    Authors: Pierpaolo Di Micco, Alferio Niglio, Amalia De Renzo, Anna Lucania, Rosanna Di Fiore, Olga Scudiero and Giuseppe Castaldo
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2004 2:7
  15. Osteoclasts are cells of hematopoietic origin with a unique property of dissolving bone; their inhibition is a principle for treatment of diseases of bone loss. Protocols for generation of human osteoclasts in...

    Authors: Mira Susa, Ngoc-Hong Luong-Nguyen, David Cappellen, Natasa Zamurovic and Rainer Gamse
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2004 2:6
  16. Reliable quantitative evaluation of molecular pathways is critical for both drug discovery and treatment monitoring. We have modified the CAM assay to quantitatively measure vascular density, endothelial proli...

    Authors: Walter J Miller, Mark L Kayton, Angela Patton, Sarah O'Connor, Mei He, Huan Vu, Galina Baibakov, Dominique Lorang, Vladimir Knezevic, Elise Kohn, H Richard Alexander, David Stirling, Faribourz Payvandi, George W Muller and Steven K Libutti
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2004 2:4
  17. Cell-based bioassays have been suggested for screening of hormones and drug bioactivities. They are a plausible alternative to animal based methods. The technique used is called receptor/reporter system. Recep...

    Authors: Shrikant S Betrabet, Jyoti Choudhuri and Manjit Gill-Sharma
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2004 2:1
  18. The interferon-γ (IFN-γ) ELISPOT assay is one of the most useful techniques for immunological monitoring of cancer vaccine trials and has gained increased application as a measure of specific T cell activation...

    Authors: Kimberly Shafer-Weaver, Thomas Sayers, Susan Strobl, Eric Derby, Tracy Ulderich, Michael Baseler and Anatoli Malyguine
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2003 1:14
  19. To evaluate a panel of pretreatment clinical and laboratory parameters in metastatic melanoma (MM) in order to verify their impact on response and survival in a single prospective multi-institutional phase III...

    Authors: Michele Guida, Alessandra Ravaioli, Vanna Chiarion Sileni, Antonella Romanini, Roberto Labianca, Antonio Freschi, Salvatore Brugnara, Addolorata Casamassima, Vito Lorusso, Oriana Nanni and Ruggero Ridolfi
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2003 1:13
  20. The identification and characterization of viral epitopes across the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) polymorphism is critical for the development of actives-specific or adoptive immunotherapy of virally-mediated...

    Authors: Maurizio Provenzano, Simone Mocellin, Paola Bonginelli, Dirk Nagorsen, Seog-Woon Kwon and David Stroncek
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2003 1:12
  21. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) has no diagnostic clinical signs or diagnostic laboratory abnormalities and it is unclear if it represents a single illness. The CFS research case definition recommends stratifyi...

    Authors: Toni Whistler, Elizabeth R Unger, Rosane Nisenbaum and Suzanne D Vernon
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2003 1:10
  22. While the use of high-resolution molecular typing in routine matching of h uman l eukocyte a ntigens (HLA) is expected to improve unrelated donor selection and transplant outcome, the genetic complexity of HLA st...

    Authors: Daniel Ramon, Megan Braden, Sharon Adams, Francesco M Marincola and Lu Wang
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2003 1:9
  23. Dendritic cells (DC) are increasingly prepared in vitro for use in immunotherapy trials. Mature DC express high levels of surface molecules needed for T cell activation and are superior at antigen-presentation th...

    Authors: Gopi Shankar, Linda A Pestano and Marnix L Bosch
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2003 1:7
  24. Macrophages can produce vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in response to hypoxia, transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1), angiotensin II, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), and interleukin-1. These...

    Authors: Dimitrios Panutsopulos, Alexandros Zafiropoulos, Elias Krambovitis, George E Kochiadakis, Nikos E Igoumenidis and Demetrios A Spandidos
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2003 1:6
  25. Arginine metabolism in tumor cell lines can be influenced by various cytokines, including recombinant human interferon-γ (rIFN-γ), a cytokine that shows promising clinical activity in epithelial ovarian cancer...

    Authors: Bohuslav Melichar, Wei Hu, Rebecca Patenia, Karolina Melicharová, Stacie T Gallardo and Ralph Freedman
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2003 1:5
  26. Detection of unknown single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) relies on large scale sequencing expeditions of genomic fragments or complex high-throughput chip technology. We describe a simplified strategy for flu...

    Authors: Ena Wang, Sharon Adams, Yingdong Zhao, Monica Panelli, Richard Simon, Harvey Klein and Francesco M Marincola
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2003 1:4
  27. The matrix protein of the influenza A virus and the matrix and capsid proteins of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) share striking structural similarities which may have evolutionary and biological signif...

    Authors: Paula M Acierno, Danforth A Newton, Edwin A Brown, Lou Anne Maes, John E Baatz and Sebastiano Gattoni-Celli
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2003 1:3
  28. The landscape for cancer research is profoundly different today from that only one decade ago. Basic science is moving rapidly and biotechnological revolutions in molecular targeting and immunology have comple...

    Authors: Frederic Lehmann, Denis Lacombe, Patrick Therasse and Alexander MM Eggermont
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2003 1:2
  29. The purpose of translational research is to test, in humans, novel therapeutic strategies developed through experimentation. Translational research should be regarded as a two-way road: Bench to Bedside and Be...

    Authors: Francesco M Marincola
    Citation: Journal of Translational Medicine 2003 1:1

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