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Fig. 3 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Identification and functional activity of Nik related kinase (NRK) in benign hyperplastic prostate

Fig. 3

The DEGs in epithelial cells, fibroblasts and SM cells. A The difference of cells proportion between BPH tissues (n = 13) and healthy control tissues (n = 6) in epithelial cells; B the difference of cells proportion between BPH tissues (n = 13) and healthy control tissues (n = 6) in fibroblasts; C the difference of cells proportion between BPH tissues (n = 13) and healthy control tissues (n = 6) in SM cells; D the expression level of 17 DEGs in epithelial cells; E the expression level of 17 DEGs in fibroblasts; F the expression level of 17 DEGs in SM cells. G Gene co-expression network based on NRK and other marker genes in epithelial cells. H Gene co-expression network based on NRK and other marker genes in fibroblasts; I gene co-expression network based on NRK and other marker genes in SM cells. J The difference of NRK expression level between epithelial cells, fibroblasts and SM cells

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