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Table 1 Baseline characteristics

From: Predicting long-term progression of Alzheimer’s disease using a multimodal deep learning model incorporating interaction effects


All (n = 252)

Cross-validation set (n = 238)

Independent test set (n = 14)

Age, mean (SD), years

73.2 (7.26)

72.8 (7.13)

79.1 (7.17)

Sex, n (%)


95 (37.7)

91 (38.2)

4 (28.6)


157 (62.3)

147 (61.8)

10 (71.4)

Education, mean (SD), years

15.9 (2.89)

15.9 (2.87)

15.6 (3.46)

Cognitive test scores

 MMSE, mean (SD)

27.7 (1.80)

27.6 (1.79)

28.6 (1.70)

 CDRSB, mean (SD)

1.50 (0.994)

1.50 (0.991)

1.50 (1.07)

 ADAS11, mean (SD)

9.61 (4.24)

9.64 (4.25)

8.97 (4.20)

 ADAS13, mean (SD)

15.4 (6.66)

15.5 (6.67)

14.0 (6.57)

 RAVLT immediate, mean (SD)

35.8 (10.8)

35.7 (10.7)

37.9 (12.7)

 RAVLT learning, mean (SD)

4.27 (2.65)

4.29 (2.68)

4.00 (2.11)

 RAVLT % forgetting, mean (SD)

57.0 (34.7)

57.2 (34.6)

54.9 (38.1)

 mPACCdigit, mean (SD)

− 5.53 (4.31)

− 5.68 (4.26)

− 3.06 (4.64)

 mPACCtrailsB, mean (SD)

− 5.19 (4.09)

− 5.34 (4.05)

− 2.61 (4.11)

 FAQ, mean (SD)

3.53 (4.51)

3.55 (4.55)

3.14 (3.90)


6.57 (4.41)

6.36 (4.25)

10.1 (5.70)

  1. MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination, CDRSB Clinical Dementia Rating Sum of Boxes, ADAS Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale, RAVLT Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, mPACCdigit Modified Preclinical Alzheimer Cognitive Composite with Digit, mPACCtrailsB Modified Preclinical Alzheimer Cognitive Composite with Trails B, FAQ Functional Activity Questionnaire, LDELTOTAL Delayed Total Recall