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Fig. 2 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 2

From: Wnt/β-catenin signalling activates IMPDH2-mediated purine metabolism to facilitate oxaliplatin resistance by inhibiting caspase-dependent apoptosis in colorectal cancer

Fig. 2

Purine metabolism was upregulated in oxaliplatin-resistant HCT8/L-OHP cells. A PCA 3D score plot between HCT8 and HCT8/L-OHP groups. B Volcano plot of differential metabolites. C Bubble plots for KEGG metabolic pathway enrichment analysis of differential metabolites. D Hierarchical clustering analysis of differential metabolites involved in purine metabolism. E QPCR analysis of purine metabolic key enzyme genes in HCT8/L-OHP comparing to those in HCT8 cells. ACTB was used as the internal reference. F Western blotting analysis of IMPDH2 protein expression in HCT8 and HCT8/L-OHP cells. G Schematic diagram of purine metabolism. The red indicates that the metabolite is up-regulated, the blue indicates that the metabolite is down-regulated, while the gray indicates metabolite with no significant change. G-6-P Glucose-6-phosphate, R-5-P Ribose-5-phosphate, IMP Inosinic acid, XMP, Xanthylic acid; GMP, Guanosine monophosphate; dGMP, Deoxyguanosine monophosphate; AMP Adenosine monophosphate. Significance is indicated as ns  not significant, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.001

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