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Fig. 6 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 6

From: Analysis of differences in intestinal flora associated with different BMI status in colorectal cancer patients

Fig. 6

Identification of BMI-related differential pathways and their correlation with BMI-related differential intestinal flora. A GO volcano plot of the associated differential expression in the Normal weight group versus Overweight group. B KEGG volcano plot of the associated differential expression in the Normal weight group versus Overweight group. The horizontal coordinates indicate log 2 (fold change). The farther the point is from the center, the larger the multiple of the difference; The vertical coordinates represent −log 10 (P-value). The closer the point is to the top, the more significant the difference in expression. Each dot represents the differentially expressed gene detected. Red indicates upregulated genes. Blue indicates down-regulated genes. Gray indicates no differential genes. C BMI-related differences Correlation graph of intestinal flora with BMI-related differences in BP and MF. The horizontal coordinate of the graph is bacteria. The vertical coordinates are the GOMF items. In this figure, red indicates positive correlation, blue indicates negative correlation, color depth indicates the size of Spearman correlation coefficient, and color from light to dark indicates the value of phase relationship from small to large. The symbol “×” in the figure represents the size of the P-value: the presence of “×” means the P-value ≥ 0.05, and the absence of “×” means P 0.05

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