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Fig. 2 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 2

From: Unraveling the underlying pathogenic factors driving nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma: an in-depth analysis of prognostically relevant gene signatures in hepatocellular carcinoma

Fig. 2

Overview of single-cell transcriptome in NASH and HCC. A Cluster annotation and cell type identification of the single-cell dataset in NASH (GSE129516) was generated using UMAP plot(left), and a bubble diagram illustrates the characteristics of each cell marker of NASH (right), the dot size indicates the fraction of expressing cells, and dots are colored based on average expression levels. B Cluster annotation and cell type identification of the single-cell dataset in HCC (GSE142868) was generated using UMAP plot(left), and a bubble diagram illustrates the characteristics of each cell marker of HCC (right), the dot size indicates the fraction of expressing cells, and dots are colored based on average expression levels. C The proportion of single cells across the cell cycle phases in the NASH (GSE129516, left) and HCC (GSE142868, right) dataset. D Heatmap showing expression signatures of the top 50 specifically expressed genes in each cell type of NASH (GSE129516, left) and HCC (GSE142868, right). The value for each gene is row-scaled Z score, representative GO terms are displayed on the right side of the heatmap. (B B cell, DC Dendritic cell, Endo Endothelial cell, Fib Fibroblast, Hep Hepatocyte, HSC Hepatic stellate cell, Macro Macrophage, Plasma Plasma cell, T T cell, Neu Neutrophil, NK Natural killer cell)

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