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Table 3 Effect of myocardial infarction and cardiac hypertrophy on tumor progression: evidence from in vitro studies

From: Current evidence regarding the cellular mechanisms associated with cancer progression due to cardiovascular diseases







Colon cancer cells (HT-29)

SerpinA3/10 ng/mL



SerpinA3 and SerpinA1 promoted colon cancer cell proliferation


SerpinA1/50 ng/mL



Fibronectin/20 mcg/mL



Paraoxonase 1/10 mM



Ceruloplasmin 0.1 mcM



Breast cancer cells (PyMT)

Serum of TAC-operated mice with PyMT model/48 h



Periostin was increased in early cardiac remodeling in TAC mice and promoted breast and lung cancer cell proliferation


Serum from TAC-operated mice without cancer/48 h



Periostin 2000–4000 ng/mL/48 h



Periostin 1000 ng/mL/48 h



Periostin-depleted serum of TAC-operated mice with PyMT model/48 h



Lung cancer cells (LLC)

Serum from TAC-operated mice with LLC model/48 h



Serum from TAC mice-operated mice without cancer/48 h



Periostin 2000–4000 ng/mL/48 h



Periostin 1000 ng/mL/48 h



PyMT cells

Serum from low-dose PE-infused mice/48 h



Serum derived from PE-induced cardiac remodeling mice enhanced breast cancer cell proliferation


PyMT cells

Serum from AFT-3 transgenic mice/48 h



Cardiac remodeling in AFT-3 transgenic mice without pressure overload increased breast and lung cancer cells growth and invasiveness


Serum from AFT-3 transgenic mice + doxycycline/48 h



LLC cells

Serum from AFT-3 transgenic mice/48 h



LLC cells

Erastin/20 mcM/24 h



MI-derived EXO attenuated lung cancer and osteosarcoma cells


Erastin/20 mcM/24 h + Sham-EXO 1 mcg/mL/24 h



Erastin/20 mcM/24 h + MI-EXO 1 mcg/mL/24 h



Osteosarcoma cells (K7M2)

Erastin/5 mcM/24 h



Erastin/5 mcM/24 h + Sham-EXO 1 mcg/mL/24 h



Erastin/5 mcM/24 h + MI-EXO 1 mcg/mL/24 h



LLC cells

Erastin/20 mcM/24 h



MI-derived EXO further enhanced antiferroptotic activity of Fer-1 in erastin-induced suppression of invasion and migration

Erastin/20 mcM/24 h + Fer-1 2 mcM/24 h



Erastin/20 mcM/24 h + Fer-1 2 mcM/24 h + Sham-EXO 1 mcg/mL/24 h



Erastin/20 mcM/24 h + Fer-1 2 mcM/24 h + MI-EXO 1 mcg/mL/24 h



LLC cells

miR-22-3p mimics



miR-22-3p attenuated erastin-induced ferroptosis

Erastin/20 mcM/24 h



Erastin/20 mcM/24 h + miR-22-3p mimics






Erastin/20 mcM/24 h



Erastin/20 mcM/24 h + AMO-22-3p



  1. AMO antisense oligonucleotide sequence, ATF3 activating transcription factor 3, EXO exosomes, Fer-1 ferrostatin-1, LLC Lewis lung carcinoma, PE phenylephrine, PyMT Polyoma middle T, TAC transverse aortic constriction