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Table 1 The major research findings of calcium silicate-based bioceramics in dental pulp capping

From: Clinical application of calcium silicate-based bioceramics in endodontics



Main findings


Dental pulp capping


MTA could be used to replace CH because of its ability to promote tissue regeneration and dentin formation.

[29, 30]


MTA possessed outstanding impermeability.

[33, 34]


Grey MTA could induce more obvious dentin bridge than white MTA.



There was no significant difference between MTA and Biodentine in dental pulp capping.



MTA Angelus and ProRoot displayed similar biocompatibility, dentine bridge formation and histologic reaction, but MTA Angelus exhibited a shorter setting time.

[42, 43]


Mixing PCL-FM with MTA could induce greater thickness of dentin bridges and no tooth discoloration.




Biodentine possessed the characteristics of shorter setting time, easier handling and no teeth discoloration.

[29, 45]


Biodentine could induce higher rates of dentine bridge formation compared to MTA.



Both Biodentine and MTA could achieve similar success rate in pulp capping.

[39, 47]


High heterogeneity and generally do not observe differences between MTA and Biodentine in dental pulp capping.

[40, 41]



The aesthetic outcome and setting time of ProRoot MTA was not as excellent as Bioaggregate.



iRoot BP Plus

The success rate of dental capping with iRoot BP Plus was 90% at 3 years follow-up and no tooth discoloration were observed.

[49, 50]