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Table 2 Biochemical characteristics of the study population

From: Altered insulin secretion dynamics relate to oxidative stress and inflammasome activation in children with obesity and insulin resistance






Blood glucose curve (mg/dL)

 0 min

84.07 ± 0.77

83.19 ± 0.62

86.59 ± 1.56

85.13 ± 1.46

 30 min


140.43 ± 6.35

146.50 ± 3.53

134.60 ± 7.23

 60 min


116.30 ± 3.69

129.87 ± 3.87b

129.55 ± 4.06b

 90 min


105.78 ± 2.11

119.13 ± 2.65b

130.52 ± 4.50b

 120 min


104.23 ± 2.57

120.05 ± 2.33b

133.85 ± 2.95a,b

Blood insulin curve (µUI/mL)

 0 min

5.42 ± 0.36

11.45 ± 0.53*

21.32 ± 1.41*,b

21.00 ± 1.48*,b

 30 min


60.33 ± 5.58

162.39 ± 10.72b

97.33 ± 6.02a,b

 60 min


67.57 ± 5.28

121.84 ± 8.71b

91.65 ± 6.71a,b

 90 min


56.97 ± 4.08

99.06 ± 8.17b

114.48 ± 7.76b

 120 min


43.62 ± 3.11

116.61 ± 1.99b

137.11 ± 6.66a,b


1.09 ± 0.07

2.43 ± 0.10*

4.09 ± 0.30*,b

4.47 ± 0.35*,b

 Mean glucose (mg/dL)


105.38 ± 1.92

118.13 ± 2.57b

120.58 ± 2.72b

 Mean insulin (µUI/mL)


48.88 ± 2.46

111.80 ± 7.39b

123.40 ± 9.38b

 AUCg (mg·h/dL)


198.76 ± 8.20

231.52 ± 9.69b

230.81 ± 7.99b

 AUCi (µU·h/mL)


106.78 ± 6.75

257.46 ± 14.56b

198.24 ± 10.73a,b

 Total Cholesterol (mg/dL)

173.48 ± 4.74

157.95 ± 3.46*

157.71 ± 5.35

148.54 ± 3.26*

 Triglycerides (mg/dL)

45.38 ± 2.17

64.15 ± 3.24*

65.14 ± 5.49*

70.68 ± 2.44*

 HDL-C (mg/dL)

60.65 ± 1.42

46.26 ± 0.83*

44.00 ± 0.78*

41.88 ± 1.26*,b

 LDL-C (mg/dL)

98.29 ± 2.84

96.11 ± 3.01

95.08 ± 4.58

87.33 ± 2.73*,b

 Castelli Index (A.U.)

2.78 ± 0.10

3.32 ± 0.10*

3.38 ± 0.12*

3.55 ± 0.13*

 GOT (U/L)

25.88 ± 0.53

22.29 ± 0.76*

19.19 ± 0.44*,b

21.00 ± 0.56*,a

 GPT (U/L)

16.29 ± 0.73

17.89 ± 0.66

21.05 ± 1.21*

19.91 ± 0.92*

  1. Values are shown as the mean ± SEM. (*) indicates difference with respect to lean children, (b) indicates difference with respect to OBIR- children, and (a) indicates difference with respect to EP-OBIR + children
  2. ObIR-, non-insulin resistant children with obesity; ObIR + , insulin resistant children with obesity; EP-OBIR + , early peak OBIR + children; LP-OBIR + , late peak OBIR + children; HOMA-IR, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance; A.U., arbitrary units; AUCg, area under the curve of glucose; AUCi, area under the curve of insulin; HDL-C, high density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C, low density lipoprotein cholesterol; GOT, aspartate transaminase; GPT, alanine transaminase