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Table 1 Characteristics of NHANES participants by tertile of total flavonoids intake

From: Dietary flavonoids intake contributes to delay biological aging process: analysis from NHANES dataset


Total population (n = 3913)

Total flavonoid intake tertiles





P value

Total flavonoid intake, mean(SE) (mg/d)

222.16 (11.04)

15.09 (0.35)

51.96 (0.85)

449.27 (15.15)

 < 0.01

Socio-economic characteristics


 Total, n (%)


1088 (26.35)

1174 (28.37)

1651 (45.28)


 Male, n (%)

1893 (48.38)

535 (27.02)

576 (29.31)

782 (43.67)


 Female, n (%)

2020 (51.62)

553 (25.71)

598 (27.47)

869 (46.82)

 Age, years, mean (SD)

47.62 (0.44)

44.67 (0.63)

47.29 (0.76)

49.54 (0.65)

 < 0.0001



 White, n (%)

2002 (72.56)

547 (71.99)

547 (69.69)

908 (74.70)


 Black, n (%)

655 (10.04)

202 (11.51)

188 (10.32)

265 (9.01)

 Mexican, n (%)

684 (7.62)

206 (8.65)

251 (10.03)

227 (5.52)

 Others, n (%)

572 (9.77)

133 (7.85)

188 (9.96)

251 (10.78)

Healthy behavior factors


 Smoke status


  Current Smokers, n (%)

775 (18.72)

300 (26.23)

209 (17.67)

266 (15.01)


  No current smokers, n (%)

3138 (81.28)

788 (73.77)

965 (82.33)

1385 (84.99)



  No drink user, n (%)

514 (10.70)

141 (10.60)

163 (12.67)

210 (9.51)

 < 0.0001

  Former drink user, n (%)

770 (15.95)

261 (19.81)

221 (14.62)

288 (14.55)

  Mild drink user, n (%)

1297 (37.51)

291 (29.35)

373 (34.81)

633 (43.96)

  Moderate drink user, n (%)

564 (15.96)

146 (16.53)

165 (15.06)

253 (16.20)

  Heavy drink user, n (%)

768 (19.87)

249 (23.71)

252 (22.84)

267 (15.78)

 Physical activity level


  Never, n (%)

1067 (21.45)

340 (23.83)

327 (21.96)

400 (19.76)


  Low, n (%)

1039 (27.86)

252 (24.80)

304 (26.94)

483 (30.22)

  Intermediate, n (%)

942 (27.60)

258 (26.74)

281 (27.97)

403 (27.88)

  High, n (%)

865 (23.08)

238 (24.63)

262 (23.14)

365 (19.76)

 Dietary intake


  Kcal/day, kcal, mean (SD)

2103.68 (17.30)

1897.28 (34.24)

2168.36 (34.23)

2183.26 (24.75)

 < 0.0001

  Carbohydrates/day, g/100 kcal, mean (SD)

255.05 (1.91)

223.51 (3.91)

261.54 (3.95)

269.34 (2.91)

 < 0.0001

  Protein/day, g/100 kcal, mean (SD)

83.33 (0.88)

76.76 (1.83)

84.56 (1.40)

86.39 (1.28)

 < 0.001

  Fiber/day, g/100 kcal, mean (SD)

16.98 (0.31)

12.63 (0.24)

17.90 (0.29)

18.94 (0.47)

 < 0.0001

  Total fat, mean(SD)

79.99 (0.75)

74.76 (1.50)

81.03 (1.39)

82.37 (1.15)

 < 0.001

 Chronic disease factors


  BMI, kg/m2, n (%)


  BMI < 25

1117 (31.79)

296 (28.87)

333 (33.17)

488 (32.63)


  BMI ≥ 25

2796 (68.21)

792 (71.13)

841 (66.83)

1163 (67.37)

 Hypertension, n (%)


  No Hypertension

2248 (63.57)

616 (63.20)

673 (63.87)

959 (63.60)



1665 (36.43)

472 (36.80)

501 (36.13)

692 (36.40)

 Diabetes, n (%)


  No diabetes

2356 (66.48)

629 (65.87)

714 (67.84)

1013 (65.97)



1557 (33.52)

459 (34.13)

460 (32.16)

638 (34.03)

 Chronic kidney disease


  No CKD

3232 (87.35)

883 (88.34)

965 (86.10)

1384 (87.55)



681 (12.65)

205 (11.66)

209 (13.90)

267 (12.45)

  1. NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; values are means (SD) for continuous variables and n (%) for categorical variables; SE: standard error; SD: standard deviation; BMI, body mass index; CKD, chronic kidney disease; MET, metabolic equivalent. Total flavonoids = sum of 29 individual flavonoids in six sub-classes: anthocyanidins, flavan-3-ols, flavanones, flavones, flavonols, and isoflavones. The total flavonoids were divided into Q1, Q2 and Q3 by tertile. Data were analyzed using χ2 tests for the categorical and ANOVA analysis for continuous variables