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Fig. 3 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Growth hormone reduces aneuploidy and improves oocytes quality by JAK2-MAPK3/1 pathway in aged mice

Fig. 3

Effect of GH on the spindle/chromosome structure and aneuploidy rate in aged oocytes. A Representative images of spindle morphology and chromosome alignment at metaphase II in young, aged, and GH + aged oocytes. Scale bar, 20 μm. B and C Aberrant spindle and misaligned chromosome rates of young (n = 24), aged (n = 22), and GH + aged (n = 21) oocytes. D Representative images of karyotype results obtained from chromosome spreading of MII oocytes from young, aged, and GH + aged groups. Yellow box, the total number of chromatid (normal karyotype is 40 chromatids). Scale bar, 10 μm. E Representative images of karyotype results obtained from DNA sequencing of MII oocytes (first polar body removed) from young, aged, and GH + aged groups. The euploid oocytes indicated normal karyotype (with 20 chromosomes), and the aneuploid oocytes showed several abnormal karyotype, including (but not limited to) one (chr18) or more chromosomes (chr12 and chr17; chr5, chr9 and chr16) are missing. F Quantification of aneuploidy rate (by chromosome spreading) in young (n = 26), aged (n = 23), and GH + aged (n = 25) oocytes. G Aneuploidy rates (by DNA sequencing) of young (n = 26), aged (n = 26), and GH + aged (n = 30) oocytes. Data are means ± SEM of at least three independent experiments. **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001

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