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Table 5 Scores of FS-14 in the end of treatment

From: Dose–effect of long-snake-like moxibustion for chronic fatigue syndrome: a randomized controlled trial


Group A (n = 30)

Group B (n = 30)

Median (95% CI)


Physical fatigue

5.00 (3.75, 6.00)

6.00 (5.00, 6.25)

− 1.00 (− 2.00, 0.00)


Mental fatigue

3.00 (2.00, 3.00)

3.00 (1.75, 4.00)

0.00 (− 1.00, 0.00)


Total score

8.00 (5.00, 9.00)

9.00 (7.00, 10.00)

− 1.00 (− 3.00, 0.00)


  1. Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparing differences between groups to obtain P-values. Hodges-Lehmann method was used to calculate median differences and their 95% confidence intervals. Group A: Long-snake-like moxibustion for 60 min; Group B: Long-snake-like moxibustion for 30 min; Data were presented as Median (Q1, Q3); Q: quarter; Q1: 25th percentile; Q3: 75th percentile; 95% CI95% Confidence Interval
  2. * p < 0.05