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Table 2 The process and relevant precautions of TTM

From: Dose–effect of long-snake-like moxibustion for chronic fatigue syndrome: a randomized controlled trial

The process was listed below:

   1. Fill the personal health information form before scanning, which contained the medical history and the state of body condition in all organs;

   2. Remove the ornaments, loosen the bra, and relax hair in advance. Have a rest of 30 min at rest room before scanning;

   3. Prior to the scanning, patients were asked to take all clothing off and expose the body in a temperature-controlled room for 10–15 min. Then images were taken from the front vs. back, and left vs. right to assess overall topological features of the whole body.

All participants were asked to adhere to the following precautions

   1. Fasting for at least 2 h before the scanning;

   2. Before the examination, alcohol should be stopped for at least 24 h, the usage of medications (i.e., vasodilator, vasoconstrictors) should be stopped for at least 4 h, vigorous exercise should be forbidden for at least 4 h, other stimulants should be stopped for at least 2 h and hand washing should be avoided for at least 30 min;

   3. Skin conditioning such as use of cosmetics and perfume had to be avoided, and a dress of looser clothing is advised;

   4. No scanning during menstruation.