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Fig. 7 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 7

From: Continuous high-frequency deep brain stimulation of the anterior insula modulates autism-like behavior in a valproic acid-induced rat model

Fig. 7

A Venn diagram of 20 hub DEPs and SFARI gene database. ↑, upregulated; ↓, downregulated. B KEGG pathways screened among 20 hub proteins. C GO analysis of 20 hub proteins. D Cluster map of Mfuzz expression patterns. The left side of the figure is a line graph of protein expression, and the right side is a heat map of protein expression. Each cluster corresponds to a line graph and a heatmap. The kegg pathway and GO enrichment information are shown to the right of the corresponding heatmap. E Venn diagram among DEPs of VPA versus saline batches (56 DEPs), DEPs after DBS intervention (35 DEPs) and the SFARI gene database. KEGG Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes, GO Gene Ontology

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