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Table 1 Population characteristics and perinatal factors from n = 190 participants

From: Interrelationships and determinants of aging biomarkers in cord blood


Mean (± SD) or n (%)


Girls, n

88 (49.2%)

Birthweight, grams

3393.08 ± 484.49

European, n

169 (89.0%)

Gestational age, weeks

39.15 ± 1.54

Relative telomere length

0.95 ± 0.16 [0.51–1.58]

Relative mtDNA content

1.04 ± 0.47 [0.25–4.35]

DNAm age, years

0.46 ± 0.26 [-0.23–1.21]

Global DNA methylation, proportion

0.50 ± 10 [47–53]

Gene-promotor methylation, proportion

0.29 ± 0.01 [0.27–0.31]

Gene-body methylation, proportion

0.64 ± 0.01 [0.60–0.67]

Intergenic-region methylation, proportion

0.52 ± 0.01 [0.49–0.55]


Age, years

29.35 ± 4.5

Early pregnancy BMI, kg/m2

24.39 ± 4.34


Low, n

27 (14.2%)

Middle, n

66 (34.7%)

High, n

97 (51.1%)

Smoking, n

Never smoked

123 (64.7%)

Former smoker

44 (23.2%)

Smoked during pregnancy

23 (12.1%)


1, n

104 (54.7%)

2, n

58 (30.5%)

 ≥ 3, n

28 (14.7%)

Paternal age, years

31.81 ± 5.34

Season of delivery

October 1–March 31

84 (44.2%)

April 1—September 30

106 (55.8%)

  1. The numbers represent counts (percentages) for categorical and means (± standard deviation) for continuous variables. For TL, mtDNA content, and methylation values, additionally, the range is reported as between brackets [lowest value—highest value]
  2. TL = relative telomere length, DNAm age = epigenetic age