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Fig. 3 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Single-cell N6-methyladenosine regulator patterns guide intercellular communication of tumor microenvironment that contribute to colorectal cancer progression and immunotherapy

Fig. 3

m6A regulators contributed to the production of tumor-associated macrophages5822 macrophages. A Cell–Cell communications between main m6A-related macrophage cells to epithelia cells by Cell chat analysis. B t-SNE plots of methy-mac-C1, methy-mac-C3, proinflammatory, C1q+, proliferating, SPP1 + mac, M1, and M2 macrophage signatures for 5582 macrophage cells. C Correlation plot for the above eight gene signatures in 5582 tumor macrophage cells. Methy-mac-C1 clusters are significantly related to proinflammatory macrophages, and methy-mac-C3 clusters are significantly related to SPP1 + and C1q + macrophage cells (p < 0.001, r > 0.5). D Heatmap showing significantly different TFs among m6A macrophage clusters by using pySCENIC in Python software to compare their average AUCs (Kruskal–Wallis test, p < 0.001). TF activity is scored using AUCell. E Heatmap showing significantly different activity of 41/113 metabolic signaling pathway scores by GSVA for 5582 cells among five methy-mac clusters (Kruskal–Wallis test, p < 0.001). F Enrichment cluster analysis for activated signaling ways and functions of m6A-related macrophage types in the Cytoscape by the REAC database

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