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Table 5 Foodstuffs characterizing the main meals according to eating speed

From: “Forever young at the table”: metabolic effects of eating speed in obesity


Fast eating group

n (%)

Slow eating group

n (%)


 Tea/herbal teas

9 (14)

3 (5)

 Espresso coffee

29 (45)

1 (28)


7 (11)

1 (28)

 Semi-skimmed milk

7 (11)

11 (19)

 Plant milk

2 (3)


2 (3)


2 (3)

4 (7)


1 (28)

2 (3)

 Protein pancakes

1 (28)

1 (28)


1 (28)

1 (28)

 Semi-skimmed milk and cookies

3 (5)

8 (14)

 Semi-skimmed milk and breakfast cereals

1 (28)

10 (17)

 Juice and cookies

5 (9)

 The/tisane and cookies

8 (14)

 Espresso coffee and cookies

1 (28)

1 (28)


 Vegetable broth/consommé/stock

2 (28)

1 (28)

 Cereal products

41 (48)

20 (49)

 Cereal products and vegetables

10 (12)

7 (17)


1 (1)

1 (28)


9 (10)

3 (7)

 Bread and cured meat

8 (9)

4 (10)

 Full meal

10 (12)

3 (7)

 Cereals and legumes

2 (28)

1 (28)


2 (28)

1 (28)

 Animal protein-based dish

1 (1)


 Animal protein-based dish

40 (50)

22 (48)

 Animal protein-based dish and vegetables

10 (13)

11 (24)

 Animal protein-based dish and cereal products

4 (5)

 Ultra-processed foods††

3 (4)

3 (7)

 Bread and cured meat

2 (3)

1 (28)

 Cereal products and vegetables

8 (10)


9 (11)

3 (7)


5 (6)

6 (13)

  1. Full meal consists in cereal-based mean course, animal protein-based dish, vegetables, and fruit
  2. ††Cordon bleu, fish sticks, frozen salty soft dough with ham and cheese