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Table 1 File types uploaded to mapMECFS, including data file (e.g., processed data), phenotype file (e.g., clinical data), results file (e.g., summary statistics), and support file (e.g., link to publication)

From: mapMECFS: a portal to enhance data discovery across biological disciplines and collaborative sites

File type



Data file

Processed data containing sample-level values as columns and molecules as rows. The header for each column should match the participant ID in the phenotype file. Only one data file can be uploaded per dataset

Gene expression counts

Methylation signal intensities

Metabolomics mass spectrometry peak heights

Phenotype file

Subject-level clinical values with participant ID matching that in the data file. Only one phenotype file can be uploaded per dataset

Case–control status



Relevant covariates

Results file

Summary statistics and other analysis output generated by the user, with statistics reported for each molecule

Wilcoxon-rank sum summary statistics with p-values and adjusted p-values

Supporting file

Additional documentation of experimental procedures or supporting material. Supporting documentation is recommended to provide users with a better understanding of the experiment generating the dataset

Standard operating procedures describing the dataset generation in more detail

Hyperlinks to publications using the data included in the dataset

Data dictionary