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Fig. 4 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 4

From: Nuclear Klf4 accumulation is associated with cetuximab drug-resistance and predicts poor prognosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Fig. 4

KLF4 expression in the nucleus is related to H-Ras and PI3K mutation. A Immunofluorescence demonstrated that KLF4 expression was increased in mHRas HONE1 cell and m-PI3K HONE1 cells in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell line HONE1, respectively. The expression of KLF4 was not increased in the cytoplasm in m-HRas/cKlf4 HONE1 cells and mPI3K/cKlf4 HONE1 cells. B WB demonstrated that the expression of KLF4 was increased in the nucleus of m-Hras HONE1 cells (2) and m-PI3K HONE1 cells (b) and no change was observed in KLF4 in the cytoplasm and nucleus in mHRas/cKlf4 HONE1 cells (3) and m-PI3K HONE1 cells (c), Cyto/Klf4 is an abbreviation for protein extraction from the cytoplasm, and Nulcelus/Klf4 is an abbreviation for protein extraction from the nucleus. C m-HRas HONE1 cells and m-PI3K HONE1 cells were resistant to cetuximab, and the experimental group m-HRas/cKlf4 HONE1 cells and mPI3K/cKlf4 HONE1 cells did not cause the resistance to cetuximab as compared to the control group that had high expression of KLF4 in the cytoplasm. D m-HRas 5–8F or HONE1 cells, m-PI3K 5–8F or HONE1 cells, m-HRas/cKlf4 5–8F or HONE1 cells, and m-PI3K 5–8F or HONE1 cells were treated with cetuximab, and cetuximab did not significantly caused apoptosis in m-HRas 5–8F or HONE1 cells and m-PI3K-5–8F or HONE1 cells

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