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Fig. 6 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 6

From: Identification of anti-SF3B1 autoantibody as a diagnostic marker in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

Fig. 6

Combination of the HCC biomarker AFP and anti-SF3B1 autoantibody improved the diagnostic efficacy for HCC. a Correlation between AFP and anti-SF3B1 autoantibody measured by XC24p11-STA. b Anti-SF3B1 autoantibody response depending on AFP levels. c Combination analysis of AFP and anti-SF3B1 autoantibody biomarker. The diagnostic values of anti-XC24p11 autoantibody or AFP were indicated as negative (−) or positive (+) according to the value below or above the CV and the subjects were classified into 3 groups [AFP(+)/XC24(+), AFP(+)/XC24(−) or AFP(−)/XC24(+), AFP(−)/XC24(−)]; d ROC curve analysis for the combination of AFP and anti-SF3B1 autoantibody biomarker. The diagnostic values of AFP and anti-SF3B1 autoantibody biomarker were arbitrarily indicated as 0 or 1 according to the diagnostic value below or above the CV. The combination of AFP and anti-SF3B1 autoantibody biomarker was performed by adding up the arbitrary diagnostic values of two biomarkers for each subject and then analyzing them again

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