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Table 1 Physiological characteristics of all study groups of mice

From: Phenotypic and metabolic features of mouse diaphragm and gastrocnemius muscles in chronic lung carcinogenesis: influence of underlying emphysema





20 weeks

 Initial body weight (g)

18.7 (0.67)

19.4 (1.91)

18.7 (1.55)

 Final body weight (g)

26.2 (1.38)

24.5 (2.18)

21.9 (1.50)***,§

 Body weight gain (%)

+39.8 (6.58)

+26.3 (5.46)*

+17.8 (10.8)***

 Diaphragm weight (g)

0.08 (0.01)

0.06 (0.004)***

0.06 (0.01)***

 Diaphragm (% body weight)

0.30 (0.05)

0.25 (0.02)*

0.26 (0.04)

 Gastrocnemius weight (g)

0.15 (0.004)

0.12 (0.01)***

0.12 (0.01)***

 Gastrocnemius (% body weight)

0.56 (0.04)

0.50 (0.04)

0.55 (0.05)

35 weeks

 Initial body weight (g)

18.7 (0.67)

19.6 (1.61)

18.9 (2.71)

 Final body weight (g)

29.4 (2.22)

27.4 (1.41)

22.3 (2.54)***, §§

 Body weight gain (%)

+56.9 (10.1)

+39.9 (8.40)*

+18.1 (5.45)***, §

 Diaphragm weight (g)

0.09 (0.02)

0.06 (0.01)**

0.06 (0.01)**

 Diaphragm (% body weight)

0.30 (0.04)

0.22 (0.04)*

0.28 (0.05)

 Gastrocnemius weight (g)

0.15 (0.01)

0.10 (0.02)***

0.10 (0.01)***

 Gastrocnemius (% body weight)

0.50 (0.03)

0.37 (0.07)**

0.47 (0.07)§

  1. Variables are presented as mean (standard deviation)
  2. U urethane, E–U elastase–urethane, g gram
  3. Statistical significance: * p ≤ 0.05, ** p ≤ 0.01 and *** p ≤ 0.001 between any of the experimental groups and the control mice
  4. §p ≤ 0.05 and §§p ≤ 0.01 between urethane and elastase–urethane groups of mice