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Fig. 1 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 1

From: Exosome-like vesicles in uterine aspirates: a comparison of ultracentrifugation-based isolation protocols

Fig. 1

Optimization of EVs isolation from uterine aspirates. a Schematic representation of the three protocols of EVs isolation, namely Standard (St), Filtration (F), and Sucrose (S) protocols. b Electron microscopy images of negatively stained EVs and MVs. c Size distribution of isolated EVs measured by NTA. d EVs concentration measured by NTA. e Immunoblot of isolated MVs, EVs and SF proteins (done in triplicates) against EVs/MVs markers and Haptoglobin. f Relative tetraspanins expression of EVs. The average of tetraspanins (CD9, CD63 and CD81) expression of each protocol was normalized to the Standard in order to have a relative measurement of EVs purity

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