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Figure 3 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Figure 3

From: cDNA targets improve whole blood gene expression profiling and enhance detection of pharmocodynamic biomarkers: a quantitative platform analysis

Figure 3

Distribution of Pearson Correlation coefficients between spiked in globin and gene expression of Jurkat samples. The calculated amount of globin in each Jurkat sample was correlated to the expression of all genes for each treatment (p-value < 0.01; abs(Rho) = 0.83). The Pearson Correlation coefficient values were binned and plotted against frequency. For the No Treatment, PNA and cDNA treatments, the number of genes significantly correlated to globin was 23290, 15912 and 1799, respectively. The significance threshold for correlation is set at p < 0.01, which corresponds to a magnitude of correlation coefficient of more than 0.83.

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