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Table 1 Role of ET-1 and its receptors in different malignancies

From: Endothelin receptors as novel targets in tumor therapy


Action of ET-1

Endothelin receptors

Receptor antagonists and their effects

Prostate cancer

ET-1 promotes prostate cancer growth, inhibits apoptosis through the ETAR

High ETAR expression, decreased or absent ETBR expression, frequent methylation of ETBR gene

Atrasentan relieves pain, and delays time to clinical and biochemical progression in prostate cancer patients

Ovarian cancer

ET-1 promotes cell proliferation survival, invasion and VEGF-dependent angiogenesis through ETAR

ETAR mRNA is detected in 84% carcinoma examinated, ETBR in only 40%. ETAR mediates all ET-1 induced tumor promoting effects

Atrasentant inhibits cell proliferation and growth of ovarian carcinoma xenografts and displays additive effects in combination with taxanes


ET-1 and ET-3 promotes melanoma cell proliferation and invasion

ETAR are downregulated in melanoma cells. ETBR expression is increased in melanoma cells in comparison to benign nevi

ETBR antagonist inhibits growth of melanoma cells lines, and reduces human melanoma tumor growth in nude mice.

Bone malignancies

ET-1 increases osteocalcin expression and new bone formation

Both ETAR and ETBR are expressed

ETAR antagonist blocks ET-1-mediated effects and also inhibits progression of skeletal metastases in prostate cancer patients

Breast cancer

Increased ET-1 expression inversely correlates with the degree of tumor cell differentiation

Elevated expression of ETAR are detected in breast cancer tissue in comparison to normal


Renal cancer

ET-1 opposes the paclitaxel-induced apoptosis in renal carcinoma cell lines

All cell lines express ETAR


Lung cancer

ET-1 is detected in most squamous cell and adenocarcinomas

Both ETAR and ETBR are expressed; ETAR is downregulated in comparison to normal bronchial tissue


Colon cancer

ET-1 protects colon carcinoma cells from FasL-induced apoptosis

Increased expression of ETAR and ETBR in neoplastic tissue

ETA/BR antagonist, inhibits cell proliferation and potentiates FasL-induced apoptosis of tumor cells

Cervical cancer

ET-1 induces proliferation of HPV-positive cervical carcinoma cell lines

Express both ETAR and ETBR. Increased expression of ETAR on HPV-positive cells

Atrasentan inhibits cell proliferation and growth of cervical carcinoma xenografts and displays additive effects in combination with taxane


ET-1 and ET-3 induces cell proliferation, migration and invasion

Both ETAR and ETBR are expressed

ETA,BR antagonist blocks ET-1 induced cell proliferation and invasion and inhibits tumor growth in nude mice

CNS tumors

ET-1 promoted meningioma cell proliferation

Both ETAR and ETBR are expressed

BQ123 blocked ET-1-induced effects; ETAR antagonist had no effect