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Fig. 8 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 8

From: High-fat and high-sucrose diet impairs female reproduction by altering ovarian transcriptomic and metabolic signatures

Fig. 8

HFHS mice phenocopy the reproductive and metabolic signatures of women with PCOS. A The score plot of  OPLS-DA depicts women with PCOS (n = 64, represented by red dots) and control women (n = 68, represented by blue dots). (B) Comparison of OPLS-DA load plots from PCOS and control women based on 8 reproductive or metabolic criteria. C OPLS-DA score plots for HFHS (n = 12, red dots) and NCD (n = 14, blue dots) mice. D Comparison of OPLS-DA load plots from control and HFHS mice based on 8 reproductive or metabolic criteria. E–F Pearson’s correlation matrix between the reproductive and metabolic parameters for women subjects (E) and mice (F). The values plotted in the graph represent the correlating coefficients

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