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Fig. 8 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 8

From: Characterization of endoplasmic reticulum stress unveils ZNF703 as a promising target for colorectal cancer immunotherapy

Fig. 8

Exploring ZNF703 in our IHC cohort. A Representative IHC images of ZNF703 in CRC tissues (41 samples) and normal tissues (15 samples). B, C tSNE plots of 63,689 cells from 23 primary CRC samples and 10 matched normal mucosa samples, showing 7 clusters in each plot. Each cluster was shown in different color. Expression levels of ZNF703 illustrated in tSNE plot from both normal and tumor tissue in CRC patients. D Representative IHC images of ZNF703 CPS, CD3, and CD8 at different levels in the same view by consecutive sample sections. E, F The spearman correlation between ZNF703 CPS and the count of CD3 + and CD8 + T cells in proximity to ZNF703-staining cells

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