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Table 1 Characteristics of participants at baseline (Visit 4) based on duration of time lived in intermediate or ideal CVH

From: Time spent in a better cardiovascular health and risk of cardiovascular diseases and mortality: a prospective cohort study


Duration of intermediate or ideal CVH category, No. (%) of participants


 ≤ 4 y (n = 30150)

 > 4 y (n = 53386)

Age, year

61.94 (13.07)

61.33 (15.82)

 < 0.0001


27647 (91.70)

39400 (73.80)

 < 0.0001

BMI, kg/m2

25.76 (3.57)

23.92 (3.55)

 < 0.0001

Physical labour

26847 (89.37)

45525 (85.61)

 < 0.0001

Senior high school or above

5276 (18.08)

11440 (22.04)

 < 0.0001

Sedentary time ≥ 8 h

1177 (3.90)

1961 (3.67)

 < 0.0001

Income > 1000a

16479 (54.83)

26033 (48.90)

 < 0.0001

Current smoking

14507 (48.12)

10443 (19.56)

 < 0.0001

Current drinking

12688 (42.09)

12182 (22.82)

 < 0.0001

Salt > 12 g/d

4262 (14.14)

2849 (5.34)

 < 0.0001

Physical activity, active

3647 (12.10)

7523 (14.09)

 < 0.0001


7650 (25.38)

4800 (8.99)

 < 0.0001


2778 (9.21)

1011 (1.89)

 < 0.0001


2453 (8.14)

1638 (3.07)

 < 0.0001

SBP, mmHg

140 (22)

125 (24)

 < 0.0001

DBP, mmHg

90 (16)

80 (12.33)

 < 0.0001


0.91 (0.06)

0.90 (0.08)

 < 0.0001

TG, mmol/L

1.51 (1.22)

1.13 (0.80)

 < 0.0001

TC, mmol/L

5.36 (1.41)

4.80 (1.16)

 < 0.0001

LDL-C, mmol/L

2.67 (1.19)

2.44 (0.98)

 < 0.0001

HDL-C, mmol/L

1.36 (0.50)

1.40 (0.46)

 < 0.0001

FBG, mmol/L

5.72 (1.58)

5.17 (0.86)

 < 0.0001

  1. Continuous variable was represented by median [(interquartile range (IQR)]. Qualitative variable was represented by number (%)
  2. aFamily per-member income > 1000Yuan/month
  3. BMI body mass index; CVH cardiovascular health; DBP diastolic blood pressure; FBG fasting blood glucose; HDL-C high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; SBP systolic blood pressure; TC total cholesterol; TG triglycerides; WHR waist hip rate