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Fig. 2 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 2

From: Single-cell profiles reveal tumor cell heterogeneity and immunosuppressive microenvironment in Waldenström macroglobulinemia

Fig. 2

B cells, plasmacytoid lymphocytes, and plasma cells based on scRNA-Seq transcriptional profiles. A t-SNE plot showing the subtypes of B cells and plasma cells derived from HDs and WM patients. Each cluster is color-coded according to cell type. Cluster annotations are indicated in the figure. B Violin plots showing the expression of marker genes in each subcluster of B cells and plasma cells. C Pie charts showing the light chain restriction of each subcluster in 5 WM patients by color, Kappa+ cells (blue pies), and Lambda+ cells (red pies). D The t-SNE plots, showing cell origins by color, individual origin (left panel), and WM or HD origin (right panel). E Bubble plots showing the proportion of each subcluster in HDs and WM patients (left), and in each WM sample (right). F Violin plot showing the median of Euclidean distance between each cell of each individual in low-tumor infiltration patients, and high-tumor-infiltration patients (top). Stacked bar chart and Sankey diagram showing the proportions of each malignant subcluster in 2 groups (bottom). Statistical analysis is an unpaired Wilcoxon test between low-tumor-infiltration patients and high-tumor-infiltration patients. G Heatmap illustrating differential expressed genes (DEGs) between different types of malignant WM cells and their normal counterparts in WM (WilcoxDETest, P < 0.05), and their enriched pathways by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA, P < 0.05). H Violin plots showing the proliferation, copy number variation (CNV) burden, immunosuppressive molecule, and antigen presentation scores of normal B&Plasma cells from HD samples and malignant cells from low or high-tumor-infiltration patients. Unpaired Wilcoxon tests were done between patients with low-tumor infiltration and HDs, and between low-tumor-infiltration patients and high-tumor infiltration patients. I Bar charts showing the expression of immunosuppressive molecules in normal B&Plasma cells from HD samples and malignant cells from WM patients. Statistical analysis is an unpaired Wilcoxon test comparing WM patients and HDs. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001

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