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Table 1 Comparison of the basic characteristics between the control (n = 474,927) and AD groups (n = 886)

From: Body mass index, genetic susceptibility, and Alzheimer's disease: a longitudinal study based on 475,813 participants from the UK Biobank


Control group

AD group


Age (Median, IQR)

58 (50,63)

66 (62,68)

 < 0.001

TDI (Median, IQR)

−2.2 (−3.7,0.5)

−2 (−3.6,1.1)


Sex (n, %)


 < 0.001


257,988 (54.3)

431 (48.6)



216,939 (45.7)

455 (51.4)


Ethnicity (n, %)


 < 0.01

 White people

432,898 (91.2)

820 (92.6)


 Mixed people

17,394 (3.7)

40 (4.5)


 Other people

24,635 (5.2)

26 (2.9)


 Education (n, %)


 < 0.001


155,879 (32.8)

168 (19)



319,048 (67.2)

718 (81)


Smoking (n, %)


 < 0.001


260,085 (54.8)

422 (47.6)



165,055 (34.8)

381 (43)



49,787 (10.5)

83 (9.4)


Alcohol (n, %)


 < 0.001


20,271 (4.3)

77 (8.7)



16,833 (3.5)

66 (7.4)



437,823 (92.2)

743 (83.9)


Myocardial infarction (n, %)


455,682 (95.9)

776 (87.6)

 < 0.001


19,245 (4.1)

110 (12.4)


Stroke (n, %)


 < 0.001


462,880 (97.5)

787 (88.8)



12,047 (2.5)

99 (11.2)


Diabetes (n, %)


 < 0.001


470,331 (99)

855 (96.5)



4596 (1)

31 (3.5)


Hypertension (n, %)


 < 0.001


329,896 (69.5)

379 (42.8)



145,031 (30.5)

507 (57.2)


BMI (Median, IQR)

26.7 (24.1,29.9)

26.6 (23.9,29.4)


  1. IQR interquartile range, TDI Townsend deprivation index