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Table 1 Potential advantages and disadvantages of HDAs (host targeted antivirals)

From: A painful lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic: the need for broad-spectrum, host-directed antivirals



Broad-spectrum activity against different virus types that use the same host target

Potential of host pathway-related toxicity

Pan-genotype/serotype coverage

Host/population-specific polymorphisms on differential host target expression

High barrier to the development of genetic resistance

Poor translation of in vitro to in vivo (animal models)

Numerous putative drug targets for cross-class combination therapy

Complex mechanism of action—Deconvolution of target and target-specific effects challenging

Can be available before epidemics and pandemics for emerging/new viruses

Possibility of redundant host mechanisms that ease virus dependence on select target

Potential for preemptive development of agents before a realized viral threat

May require direct-acting antivirals as a combination therapy for maximum benefit