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Table 4 Secondary analysis: CD3, a pan T-cell marker

From: Neoadjuvant rituximab modulates the tumor immune environment in patients with high risk prostate cancer

CD3+ density (mm2/mm2)


Mean (95% CI)


Mean (95% CI)


Tumor region

0.022 (0.012, 0.033)

0.042 (0.031, 0.053)


Non-neoplastic region

0.019 (0.011, 0.026)

0.021 (0.017, 0.025)


Within group difference


 Tumor − non-neoplastic

0.004 (− 0.005, + 0.013)

0.021 (+ 0.011, + 0.031)


  1. 1. Density of tumor for subjects treated with Rituximab
  2. 2. Density of adjacent normal tissue for subjects treated with Rituximab
  3. 3. Use one sample t test to get the mean and 95% CI
  4. 4. p value is from two sample t-test
  5. For two sample t-test, the Welch (or Satterthwaite) approximation to the degrees of freedom is used
  6. Null hypothesis is no difference. Alternative hypothesis is true difference in means is greater than 0
  7. 5. (Tumor − Normal) is calculated by: column D − column E