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Fig. 3 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Data-driven interdisciplinary mathematical modelling quantitatively unveils competition dynamics of co-circulating influenza strains

Fig. 3

The effect of relative fitness of clade Z on 2008–2009 seasonal influenza A/H1N1 epidemic simulation. As clade Y assumed competition cost of 0.71 (Strain Y 0.29), with R 0max and R 0min fixed at 2.00 and 1.61 respectively, the model generated epidemic curves of clade Z of a series of relative fitness from 0.80 (Strain Z 0.80) through 1.20 (Strain Z 1.20). Among them, the Strain Z 1.00 simulated the observed weekly A/H1N1 IVIR curve (A/H1N1, shown in black) best and was 96.96% positively correlated. Against the time horizon, the proportion of the total population being infective was plotted on the left vertical axis and the weekly A/H1N1 IVIR on the right

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