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Table 1 Characteristics, redox status, CD26-expression and muscle fatigue parameters of ME/CFS patients and control subjects

From: Association of biomarkers with health-related quality of life and history of stressors in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome patients


ME/CFS (n = 32)

Controls (n = 11)

Age (years)

42 ± 7

46 ± 5

Sex ratio (F/M)



ME/CFS duration (y)

5 ± 1


At rest


91 ± 19*

129 ± 15

 CD26-expression (AU)

2.72 + 0.09*

3.60 ± 0.09

End exercise


 VO2max (ml min−1 kg−1)

23 ± 1

26 ± 4

 Δ M-wave (%)

−41 ± 8**

+8 ± 6


+50 ± 10**

+15 ± 7

  1. At rest: RAA/TBARS: ratio of antioxidant response (Reduced ascorbic acid, RAA) to lipid peroxidation (Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, TBARS); CD26-expression measured via DPP-IV activity (AU: arbitrary unit)
  2. Exercise: VO2 max (maximal oxygen uptake); ΔM-wave amplitude: (maximal decrease in M-wave amplitude evoked in the rectus femoris); ΔTBARS (maximal increase in TBARS post-exercise) (Mean + SEM; * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01)