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Table 1 Main epidemiological and clinical characteristics of HIV/HCV coinfected patients on HCV antiviral therapy

From: Relationship of TRIM5 and TRIM22 polymorphisms with liver disease and HCV clearance after antiviral therapy in HIV/HCV coinfected patients


All patients




246 (77.1 %)

Age (years)

42 (38.7–45.9)

Anthropometric values

 Height (m)

1.7 (1.6–1.7)

 Weight (kg)

67 (60–75)

 BMI (kg/m2)

23.1 (21.2–25.4)


281 (89.8 %)

 Time of HCV infection (months)

19.6 (12.7–23.5)


268 (84.0 %)

HIV markers

 Nadir CD4+ T-cells/μL

226 (132–341)

 Nadir CD4+ <200 cells/μL

135 (42.3 %)

 Baseline CD4+ T-cells/μL (n = 316)

461 (364–670)

 Baseline CD4+ <500 T-cells/μL (n = 316)

175 (55.4 %)

 HIV-RNA <50 copies/ml (n = 314)

239 (76.1 %)

HCV markers

 HCV genotypes (n = 317)


  GT 1

179 (56.5 %)

  GT 2

1 (0.3 %)

  GT 3

100 (31.5 %)

  GT 4

37 (11.7 %)

HCV-RNA (n = 313)

 HCV-RNA <500,000 IU/mL

82 (26.2 %)

 Log10 HCV-RNA (IU/mL)

6.1 (5.6–6.8)

IL28B polymorphism (rs12980275)


146 (45.8 %)


146 (45.8 %)


27 (8.5 %)

Liver fibrosis (n = 288)

 Significant fibrosis (F ≥ 2)

182 (63.3 %)

 Advanced fibrosis (F ≥ 3)

98 (33.9 %)

  1. Values expressed as absolute number (percentage) and median (interquartile range)
  2. BMI body mass index; IVDU intravenous drug users; HCV hepatitis C virus; HCV-RNA HCV serum viral load; GT HCV genotype; HIV-1 human immunodeficiency virus type 1; HIV-RNA HIV plasma viral load; cART combination antiretroviral therapy