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Table 1 functional relationships of superorganisms and solid neoplasms

From: Understanding tumor heterogeneity as functional compartments - superorganisms revisited



Solid neoplasm

Sociobiological aspect

Sociogenesis: growth and development of the colony

Tumorigenesis: growth and development of the tumor

Reproduction and self-renewal

Queen (foundress)

Tumor stem cells (TSCs)

Specialization for housekeeping work

Worker caste (non-reproductive)

Non-TSC (progeny = limited proliferation, no tumor-initiation ability)

Protection from intruders

Specialized defensive castes: alarm-defense communication, colony recognition labels, camouflage and pheromone repellants

Secretion of anergy inducing cytokines

Downregulation of major histocompatibility complexes (MHC)

Communication and interaction among colony members

Pheromones, visual, auditory and haptic signals

Paracrine hormone and cytokine communication, direct cell-cell contact

Shelter and microclimate control

Nest construction

Induction of fibrosis

High intratumoral hydrostatic pressure




Cargo flux and circulatory system

"Ant highways"


Angiogenic mimicry

Driving force for adaptation

Natural selection

Intercellular competition and selection, immunoediting and genetic instability

Multi-colony-formation (inter-group-competition)


Budding and fusion of individual colonies with the supercolony

Symmetric cell division and formation of new TSCs

Cancer self-seeding

Colony founding

Queen flight

Metastasis of TSCs