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Table 3 CD105 as a marker of survival in patients with solid tumors of different histotype.

From: Highlights on endoglin (CD105): from basic findings towards clinical applications in human cancer

Tumor histotype

CD105-MVDa correlation with survival


Breast carcinoma

The number of CD105-positive microvessels correlated significantly (p = 0.001) with poor overall survival.


Colorectal cancer

Patients with CD105-MVD above the median showed the worst prognosis; similar results were obtained when CD105-MVD was divided in quartiles.


Endometrial carcinoma

Patients with the lower quartiles for CD105-MVD showed reduced survival compared to those with the higher quartiles.


Non-small cell lung cancer

5-year survival rate of patients with the lower CD105-MVD was higher compared to that of patients with the higher CD105-MVD.


Prostate cancer

Median survival time were shorter for patients with CD105-MVD above the median.


  1. aCD105-MVD, intratumor microvascular density as determined by anti-CD105 monoclonal antibodies.