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Fig. 6 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 6

From: Integrated multi-omics analyses and functional validation reveal TTK as a novel EMT activator for endometrial cancer

Fig. 6

High TTK expression is positively correlated with EMT signature and chemoresistance in EC. A Analysis of patient survival based on UBE2C expression profile from the TCGA database. A two-sided log-rank test is used to compare patient survival between the two groups. B t-SNE plots show expression levels of UBE2C in major cell types. C Correlation analysis of TTK and EMT-related genes based on the gene expression profile of TCGA EC patients. Red dots indicate a significant positive correlation, while blue dots indicate the opposite. The screening threshold is (|correlation| > 0.2 and p-adjust < 0.05). The horizontal gray dashed line means p-adjust = 0.05, and the vertical gray dashed line means | correlation | = 0.2. The marked genes are the top 10 genes with the highest correlation. D Violin plots depict EZH2 and FOXM1 expression across major cell types. E, F Results of ssGSEA enrichment analysis of EC samples in TCGA database (E) and early stage of EC samples in GEO database (F) based on top 20 highly expressed genes of proliferative cell subpopulation. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, by Wilcoxon tests. G Upregulated genes between cells with high TTK expression in the proliferative subpopulation relative to cells with low TTK expression. H Results of KEGG enrichment analysis of the upregulated genes in the E plot. I Violin plots depict BUB1 and BUBIB expression across major cell types. J Correlation analysis of TTK and target genes (BUB1 and BUBIB) in TCGA EC

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