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Fig. 4 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 4

From: Integrated multi-omics analyses and functional validation reveal TTK as a novel EMT activator for endometrial cancer

Fig. 4

Genomic changes associated with dysregulated TTK expression in EC. A Top 30 SMG in TCGA EC. B The difference in TMB between the TTKhigh and TTKlow groups. ns not significant. C Forest plot of the top 20 differentially mutated genes between TTKhigh and TTKlow groups. D Cobar plot of the top 20 differentially mutated genes between TTKhigh and TTKlow groups. E Differential analysis of TTK expression in TCGA EC patients as divided by TP53 mutation status (wild type and mutants). ***P < 0.001, by Wilcoxon tests. F The upper and lower chromosomes plot show the CNV landscape in samples from the TTKhigh and TTKlow groups, respectively

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