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Fig. 4 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 4

From: Smooth muscle cell fate decisions decipher a high-resolution heterogeneity within atherosclerosis molecular subtypes

Fig. 4

The dynamics of SMC during atherosclerosis progression. A Developmental trajectory of SMC with pseudotime, all subpopulations demonstrated in the trajectory. B Developmental trajectory of SMC, with color-coded for pseudotime and cell states. C Dynamical expression of representative phenotype switching markers plotted as a function of pseudotime, colored by subpopulations. D The diagram shows the overlapping of differential genes among cell states and ordering genes, termed cell fate leader genes. E Eight gene clusters were obtained via the soft clustering method (Mfuzz) in cell fate leader genes. F The violin plot illustrates significant differences in the principal-component 1 score for three risk statuses based on SCFDS. KEGG (G) and GO (H) enrichment analysis of upregulated (left) and down-regulated (right) SCFDS

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