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Table 1 Demographic and clinical features and neuropsychological assessment

From: Brain fog of post-COVID-19 condition and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, same medical disorder?

Demographic and clinical characteristics

ME/CFS (n = 42)


Post-COVID-19 condition (n = 73)




43.50 (8.24)

44.36 (9.47)

U = 1397.50

Women, n (%)

39 (92.9)

51 (69.9)

χ2 = 8.29**

Caucasian race, n (%)

41 (97.6)

72 (98.6)

χ2 = .159

Education, years

14.78 (4.31)

16.34 (3.33)

U = 1191.00*

Disease duration, months

85.57 (100.71)

12.39 (5.55)

U = 2592.50**

Neuropsychologic assessment


 General cognition



25.52 (2.95)

25.09 (3.06)

U = 1648.50

 Verbal fluency



18.95 (4.96)

19.89 (5.98)

t = .86


14.16 (4.71)

13.84 (4.80)

U = 1603.50

 Visual processing speed



42.73 (11.47)

47.23 (10.93)

U = 1149.50*

  SPCT 3

14.30 (4.25)

16.75 (5.26)

U = 1073.50**

  SPCT 6

8.67 (2.85)

8.91 (3.12)

U = 1434.50



  Verbal attention


   Direct digits (WAIS-IV)

5.64 (1.10)

5.56 (1.06)

U = 1555.00

  Visual attention



40.78 (16.75)

38.41 (14.50)

U = 1674.5

  Sustained attention (TP-R)



152.57 (51.54)

179.78 (52.38)

t = 2.69**


43.00 (41.73)

36.82 (28.20)

U = 1563.00


5.33 (15.17)

0.89 (2.37)

U = 1677.00


106.30 (64.84)

141.95 (58.49)

U = 999.80**


96.00 (14.81)

98.55 (5.27)

U = 1492.00

 Visuoconstructive abilities


  TCF copy

32.64 (3.12)

32.05 (3.17)

U = 1728.00

 Visuospatial perception


  Benton JLO

22.57 (4.32)

24.52 (4.98)

U = 1064.5**

 Visual memory


  TCF memory

20.39 (6.30)

21.73 (5.53)

t = 1.19

  Trial 1 BVMT-R

4.73 (2.29)

5.63 (3.54)

t = 1.46

  Trial 1–3 BVMT-R

20.90 (6.46)

22.38 (7.37)

U = 1334.00

  Trial 4 BVMT-R

8.35 (3.31)

8.31 (2.70)

U = 1507.50


5.66 (.78)

5.64 (1.04)

U = 1505.50

 Verbal memory (HVLT-R)


  Trial 1

5.35 (1.62)

5.31 (1.55)

U = 1530.50

  Total (1–3)

23.23 (4.50)

22.57 (5.92)

t = -.63

  Trial 4

8.28 (2.47)

7.90 (2.83)

U = 1608.00


10.02 (1.63)

9.53 (2.47)

U = 1655.50

 Executive functions




   Similarities (WAIS-IV)

20.33 (4.30)

22.05 (5.65)

U = 1298.50

  Alternating attention



99.61 (49.61)

86.65 (42.68)

U = 1877.00*

  Working memory


   Indirect digits (WAIS-IV)

4.07 (.89)

4.39 (1.69)

U = 1262.50

  Visual processing speed and inhibition (Stroop Test)



88.38 (19.96)

93.49 (24.97)

U = 1322.50


61.52 (13.12)

66.32 (13.79)

t = 1.83


36.67 (10.58)

40.63 (10.249

t = 1.97

  Cognitive flexibility (M-WCST)



5.78 (1.40)

6.12 (1.35)

U = 1288.00

   Perseverative mistakes

1.90 (2.34)

1.76 (2.28)

U = 1607.00

   Total mistakes

7.64 (5.08)

7.13 (5.71)

U = 1680.50

  1. The Student’s t and U Mann–Whitney scores were obtained using the SS, except in those cases in which only RS was available
  2. Benton JLO Benton Judgment Line Orientation; BVMT-R Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised; HVLT-R Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised; GIAP Global Index of Attention and Perception; ICI Impulsivity Control Index; M Mean; MocA Montreal Cognitive Assessment; M-WCST Modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; RS raw score; SD standard deviation; SDMT Symbol Digit Modality Test; SPCT Salthouse Perception Comparison Test; TCF Taylor Complex Figure; TMT Trail Making Test; TP-R Toulouse Piéron-Revised Test; WAIS IV Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale IV
  3. *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p ≤ 0.001