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Fig. 2 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 2

From: Domino hepatocyte transplantation using explanted human livers with metabolic defects attenuates D-GalN/LPS-induced acute liver failure

Fig. 2

Characterization of human primary hepatocytes isolated from explanted livers of liver transplant recipients with noncirrhotic inherited metabolic liver diseases. A Phase-contrast microscopic images of freshly isolated and cultured hepatocytes; and PAS staining and ICG uptake assay of the cultured hepatocytes. B Ultrastructural features of liver tissue from normal donor and patients with noncirrhotic metabolic liver diseases under the electron microscope, magnification × 6000. C Protein expressions of mature primary hepatocyte markers including AAT, ALB, CK-18, and CYP3A4 of human primary hepatocytes isolated from patients with noncirrhotic metabolic liver diseases. AAT Alpha 1 antitrypsin, ALB albumin, CK-18 cytokeratin 18, ICG indocyanine green, PAS periodic acid-Schiff

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