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Table 3 A summary of the main clinical features, molecular pathology, and immune microenvironmental characteristics of acral melanoma

From: Clinical features, molecular pathology, and immune microenvironmental characteristics of acral melanoma





Clinical characteristics


Trauma may promote the development of extremity melanoma

[1, 6, 7]


Men may have a worse prognosis compared to women

[4, 27, 16, 93, 21, 20]

Anatomic subsite

The poorer prognosis of AM might be more closely related to the anatomical site than the histological subtype

[5, 22, 29, 28, 31]

Molecular pathology characteristics

Chromosomal structural variations and copy number variations

Compared to CM, AM has more chromosomal structural variations and CNVs

Common copy number amplified genes include CCND1, GAB2, PAK1, TERT, YAP1, MDM2, CDK4, NOTCH2, KIT, and EP300; common copy number deletion regions, including those containing CDKN2A and NF1 and PTEN

[23, 44, 46, 51, 47, 61]

Driver mutations

the proportion of TWT mutations is higher in AM than in CM (38% vs. 11%)


Immune microenvironmental characteristics


AM has a suppressive immune microenvironment compared to CM (CD 8 + T cell, NK cells, and γδ T cells)

[80, 84]


the density of M2-Ms is higher in the ALM tumor microenvironment compared to SSM



Lower levels of PD-L1 are present in AM than in chronic sun-damaged melanoma (31% vs. 62%)


  1. CM cutaneous melanoma, AM acral melanoma, CNVs copy number variations, TWT triple wild-type, Ms macrophages, SSM superficial spreading melanoma