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Fig. 2 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 2

From: Single-cell N6-methyladenosine regulator patterns guide intercellular communication of tumor microenvironment that contribute to colorectal cancer progression and immunotherapy

Fig. 2

source class, reveals that the percentage of m6A-fib-C2 in tumor is higher than that in normal mucosa (p < 0.001). D Heatmap showing the activated KEGG pathway in main m6A-fib-clusters by using the DEGs among these groups (p < 0.05). E Different m6A-related fibroblast clusters were correlated with the previous signatures (p < 0.05). F Heatmap showing the significantly different activities of TFs among four m6A fibroblast cell clusters by comparing the average AUC using pySCENIC in Python software (Kruskal–Wallis test, p < 0.001). TF activity is scored using AUCell. G Heatmap showing the different average expression of common signaling pathway genes in the four m6A-fib-clusters, including collagens, ECM, MMPs, TGFb, Neo-Angio, Contractile, RAS and Proinflammatory. H Enrichment cluster analysis for activated signaling ways and functions of m6A-related fibroblast types in the Cytoscape by the REAC database

m6A regulators modified the features of fibroblast cells. A Trajectory Analysis reveals the role of m6A genes in for fibroblast cells (3462 cells). B Cell–Cell communications from m6A-related fibroblast cells to epithelial cells. C Bar plot for four m6A-fib-clusters, along with

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