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Table 1 Baseline clinical features of study cohort, n  = 22

From: Electrical stimulation of the cochlea for treatment of chronic disabling tinnitus: an open-label trial towards the development of an implantable device



 Age at enrollment in years

59 (8)



8 (36)


14 (64)

Eligibility criteria

 Tinnitus Handicap Inventory

57 (16)

 Tinnitus Functional Index

70 (10)

 Visual Analog Scale

7.9 (1.4)

 Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7

1.5 (0–3)

 Patient Health Questionnaire-8

2.5 (1–5)

 Short Health Anxiety Inventory

7.5 (5.6)

Tinnitus characteristics

 Duration of tinnitus in years (n  = 19)

2.0 (0.8)

 Persistence (n = 20)


18 (90)


2 (10)

 Fluctuations in intensity or loudness (n = 20)

15 (75)

 Treatments (n = 20)


8 (40)

  Hearing aid

5 (25)

  Music therapy

3 (15)

  Tinnitus retraining therapy

1 (5)


1 (5)


5 (25)

  1. aSummarized with mean (SD), median (IQR), or n (%)