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Fig. 7 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 7

From: An integrative multi-omics analysis based on liquid–liquid phase separation delineates distinct subtypes of lower-grade glioma and identifies a prognostic signature

Fig. 7

Correlation of LPRS with clinicopathological features, genomic alterations and TIME patterns in TCGA cohort. A An overview of the correspondence between LPRS and other features of LGG patients. B Alluvial diagram showed the attribute changes of LLPS subtypes, WHO grade, immunity subtypes and LPRS. C Correlation between LPRS and the known cancer hallmarks. D Correlation of LPRS with TMB, mutation counts, and copy number burdens at focal and arm levels. E Correlation between LPRS and the ssGSEA Z-scores of 29 immune signatures. F Correlation of LPRS with immune scores, stromal scores, ESTIMATE scores and tumor purity. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, and *** P < 0.001

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