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Fig. 4 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 4

From: Single-cell analysis revealed that IL4I1 promoted ovarian cancer progression

Fig. 4

C0 was a malignant epithelial cluster in OCs. A Violin plots showing CNV scores across different cell types in OCs. B Pseudotime of epithelial cells with abnormal gene expression profiles and malignant epithelial cells that were inferred by Monocle2. Each point corresponds to a single cell. C Heat-map showing DEGs (rows) along the pseudo-time (columns), which was clustered into three profiles. Color key differentially coding from blue to red that indicated the relative expression levels from low to high. D Scatter plots showing relative gene expression levels of C0 (x axis) and C6 (y axis) in OCs. E TSNE plot illustrated that PAX8 was only existed in C0. F GSVA analysis for C0 and C6. G The ranks of ligand-receptor pairs interactions between C0 and other cell types

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