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Fig. 5 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 5

From: Molecular subtype identification and prognosis stratification by a metabolism-related gene expression signature in colorectal cancer

Fig. 5

Associations of the MRS with clinical immune characteristics. a Immune cell infiltration discrepancy between the high- and low-MRS groups. b–h Relationships between metabolic subtype (b), TNM stage (c–f), CIT subtype (g), MMR status (h), and tumor location (i) and the MRS. j Sankey plot showing the distribution of metabolic subtypes and MRS groups in C1–C6 subtypes and CMS molecular subtypes. CIT Cartes d’identité des tumeurs, MMR mismatch repair, dMMR deficient mismatch repair, pMMR proficient mismatch repair, CMS consensus molecular subtypes

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