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Fig. 3 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Diagnosis and treatment of type 1 diabetes at the dawn of the personalized medicine era

Fig. 3

How genes are delivered to the human body during gene therapy approaches. Gene therapy have utilized two major approaches for transferring therapeutic transgenes into recipients 'body. First approach, is by direct infusion of the therapeutic gene into human body through a vehicle. Altered viruses often used for delivering the gene into specific human cell types. This method is inexact as it is limited to specific cell types that the viral vehicle can infect. Nonviral vehicles for directly delivering genes into cells are also being explored, including the use of plain DNA and DNA wrapped in a coat of fatty molecules known as liposomes. Th second approach utilize a living cells to transfer the therapeutic transgenes into recipients 'body. The transferring cells often a type of stem cell that removed from the body, and the therapeutic transgene is presented to them through direct transfer method. The genetically altered cells then grow and multiply before infused back to the recipient

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