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Fig. 6 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 6

From: Combination of subtherapeutic anti-TNF dose with dasatinib restores clinical and molecular arthritogenic profiles better than standard anti-TNF treatment

Fig. 6

Treatment of Tg197 animals with dasatinib alone or in combination with a low dose of Infliximab effectively restores gene expression to normal levels. a Differential gene expression levels against WT samples for 867 disease-associated differentially expressed genes. The colored bars on the left side of the heatmap correspond to 6 gene clusters on the basis of their expression pattern across all conditions. Clustering was performed with agglomerative hierarchical clustering using Ward's objective function maximization. Dashed vertical lines represent WT baseline levels, while black full lines correspond to differential expression levels (red: over-expression, blue: under-expression). b Mean gene expression distance from WT for all 867 genes (black) and the six differentially expressed clusters. Cluster characterization is identical with that shown in (a). Distance is measured as the mean absolute logFC value against WT controls for each cluster. Small values correspond to greater similarities to the healthy condition. c Treatment efficiency scores taking into account differential expression levels against both diseased (Tg197) and WT controls. Genes that were differentially expressed against either WT or diseased (Tg197) animals in any of the three treatments, or between diseased and healthy controls, were selected and then mapped to GO terms and KEGG pathways. For each functional category, an efficiency score was calculated as the log10 of the ratio of mean logFC against disease over mean logFC against WT controls (see Methods for details). High scores indicate effective recovery of gene expression to normal levels without disrupting the healthy state. Only functions with an efficiency score > 1 for at least one of the treatments are shown. The colored bars on the left side of the heatmap correspond to 3 clusters of functional terms created on the basis of efficiency scores across all conditions

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